Victim's Hope DRC

For a Just and Equitable Society.

Victim's Hope DRC (VH-DRC), a Congolese rights organization based in Bukavu, aims to contribute to a just and equitable society. In addition to emergency humanitarian and development interventions, VH-DRC engages in research and consulting.

Our Convictions are our Mission.

Our mission is to promote Human Rights through timely and effective assistance to individuals victimized by various crises of both human and natural origin in a fragile context.

Notre Mission

Non-Victimized Victim

Our Achievements

Victim's Hope DRC plays a significant role in assisting victims of atrocities, offering them the first smile after a difficult moment. The organization contributes not only to their community reintegration but also to their resilience.

Areas of Intervention

We Intervene in the Following Areas

In the context of Eastern DRC, which is not only plagued by insecurity characterized by repeated population movements but also theoretically rich yet practically poor, during the crisis, the population abandons everything and finds itself in very difficult situations in host areas.

Food Security

Supporting farmers and livestock keepers while intervening in environmental protection and resilience.

WASH, Health, and Nutrition

Providing access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation, and communication for mindset change.

Gender, Inclusion, and Youth

Entrepreneurship, support for victims of sexual violence, and the creation of income-generating activities.


Promoting access to formal education and training in practical life skills.

Victim's Hope LogoVictim's Hope DRC

Promoting Human Rights through timely and effective assistance to individuals victimized by various crises of both human and natural origin in a fragile context.


A non-victimized victim for community development

© Copyright 2024 Victim's Hope.