Achievements and Projects
Over the years, we have intervened in various ways through our different projects, promoting human rights, and supporting local communities in their self-reliance.
Implemented Projects
Humanitarian Interventions

Youth Livestock Mentorship
Mentorship project for young livestock farmers in the high plateaus of Kalehe, Mubugu group, Katasomwa village.
From April to October 2016.

Project to support social and solidarity economy initiatives (IESS) in the markets of the city of Bukavu.
April 2015 to April 2016.

Project to Combat Violence Against Young Girls in schools in the city of Bukavu.
August 2020 to March 2021.
Evaluations, studies and analysis
Initial Evaluations
South-Kivu and Ituri
Multisectoral Needs Assessment and Market Study. Provinces of South Kivu (Health Zones of Fizi, Nundu, Lemera and in the plain of Ruzizi) and Ituri (Health Zones of DRODRO, KOMANDA, LOLWA, and NYAKUNDE, in DR Congo
Rapid Multisectoral Evaluation and Post-Intervention Monitoring of the KCRI project “Kivus Crisis Response for IDPs”.
And much more
Final Evaluations

Studies and Analysis
South Kivu
Study on sensitivity to intercommunity conflicts and the educational situation in the Kalehe highlands (VH-DRC own funds).
South Kivu and Ituri
Multisectoral Needs Assessment and Market Study (CARE International); MISEREOR II Project, Mambasa, Ituri (Trocaire);
North Kivu and Ituri
Outcome Harvesting of community dialogues for peace implemented by the USAID Eastern Congo Development Partnership (P-DEC) program, Tujenge (MercyCorps).
South Kivu, North Kivu and Ituri
Perception survey on the project: “Strengthening accountability towards affected populations”), to support the PRH-RDC 2022-2023. South Kivu (Uvira, Kalehe, Fizi, Walungu and Kabare), North Kivu (Rutshuru, Masisi, Oicha, Beni, Lubero and Nyiragongo) and Ituri (Irumu, and Djugu) (Ground Truth Solutions/BHA-UNICEF).
Perception survey on the project: “Strengthening accountability towards affected populations”), to support the PRH-RDC 2023-2024. South Kivu (Uvira, Kalehe, Fizi, Mwenga, Walungu and Kabare), North Kivu (Rutshuru, Masisi, Oicha, Beni, Lubero and Nyiragongo) and Ituri (Irumu, Djugu and Mahagi) (Ground Truth Solutions/BHA-UNICEF ).
South Kivu, North Kivu, Ituri, and Kinshasa
Survey on Local Leadership in Humanitarian Response in the Shelter and Settlements Sector in DRC, (USAID - BHA).
Baseline Study of the MISEREOR II project. Ituri Province, Mambasa Territory in DR Congo (Trocaire).
South Kivu and Maniema
Baseline study of the project: “Sustainable agriculture and better protection of forests in the DRC “REDD+” (NORWEGIAN CHURCH AID).
South Kivu and North Kivu
State Analysis of the ALNAP Fifth Edition Humanitarian System in Eastern DR Congo / Preliminary Phase and Main Phase (The Research People UK-ALNAP).
Impact Assessments
South Kivu
WASH and Food Security Projects SWIFTS2 Program, TUENDELEE PAMOJA, UNICEF, and BELGIUM; (Proalliance/Tearfund).
North Kivu
WASH and Food Security Projects SWIFT1, SWIFTS2, OFDA1, OFDA2, MAVUNO; (Proalliance/Tearfund).
WASH and Food Security Projects OFDA2 Program, MAVUNO, and CERF; (Proalliance/Tearfund).
WASH and Food Security Projects SWIFT1, SWIFTS2, OFDA1, OFDA2; (Proalliance/Tearfund).
WASH and Food Security Projects SWIFT1, SWIFTS2, OFDA1, OFDA2; (Proalliance/Tearfund).
South Kivu, North Kivu, Ituri, Tanganyika, and Maniema
Impact Evaluation of Projects implemented by Tearfund (OFDA1, OFDA2, SWIFT1, SWIFT2, UNICEF, and MAVUNO).

Provinces of Haut Katanga and Lualaba

Territories of Beni and Mambasa in North Kivu and South Kivu in DR Congo

Provinces of South Kivu, North Kivu, Maniema, Equateur, and Kinshasa in DR Congo

Territory of Kalonge in South Kivu, and Kailo in Maniema, in DR Congo

Provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri, and the provincial city of Kinshasa

52 Villages/sites in the territories of South Kivu (Uvira, Walungu, Fizi, and Kabare), North Kivu (Rutshuru, Masisi, Oicha, Beni, Goma, and Nyiragongo), and Ituri (Irumu and Djugu).

Provinces South Kivu, and Maniema

Provinces South Kivu, and North Kivu

Provinces of South Kivu (Plaine de la Ruzizi, Moyens et Hauts Plateaux de Uvira et de Mwenga/secteur d'Itombwe, et Territoire Fizi)

Province of South Kivu (Uvira Health Zone)

Nyemba Health Zone, Tanganyika Province, DR Congo

Ituri Province, Mambasa Territory in DR Congo

Provinces of South Kivu (Health Zones of Fizi, Nundu, Lemera and in the plain of Ruzizi) and Ituri (Health Zones of DRODRO, KOMANDA, LOLWA, and NYAKUNDE, in DR Congo

Provinces of South Kivu, Ituri, Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, and Kinshasa, in DR Congo

Provinces of South Kivu, North Kivu, Ituri, Tanganyika, and Maniema in DR Congo

North Kivu and South Kivu, in DR Congo

Mweka, Luebo, Luiza, and Kananga in Kasaï and Kasaï Central / DR Congo

Rutshuru and Masisi in North Kivu/ DR Congo

Promoting Human Rights through timely and effective assistance to individuals victimized by various crises of both human and natural origin in a fragile context.
© Copyright 2024 Victim's Hope.